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What is the Transfer the Blessings Ministry all about?
St. Paul’s Transfer the Blessings ministry is committed to providing our members with the support and comprehensive expertise needed so that they can plan wisely how they transfer their blessings to their families. The wise transfer and stewardship of these blessings to our family and ministries can have an eternal impact today, tomorrow and forever. Our Faith in Jesus gives us certainty in eternity! With the help of TTB, we can be just as certain about the way we impact the future for our loved ones!
They say that no one plans to fail, they simply fail to plan!
“Why Don’t People have Wills or Living Trusts?” The article stated that, “7 out of 10 people do not have a will or living trust!” Why? (Here are the most common answers)
• No One to Educate Me
• No One to Encourage Me
• No One to Ask Me or Help Me
• Don’t Plan to Die anytime soon (Plenty of time later)
“Of the 3 out of 10 who do have a plan, we find that their current plan is insufficient to accomplish their goals; (problems in the language of their wills, or fail to meet their goals/plans due to changes in tax laws!, etc…)”
Did you know?
Over the next several years will see the greatest transfer of funds from one generation to the next (Called by experts the “Wealth Tsunami”) that has ever occurred in modern history. Studies show that the average recipient of an inheritance today will spend the entire inheritance in 18 months or less! “Only 1 - 2% of the clients that come to me will include a charitable gift in their estate plan to their favorite ministry unless someone has encouraged them to do it.” Ken Fleck, Estate Planning Counselor at Law and Principal of Fleck Law Offices. Author of “YOUR LIFE, YOUR LEGACY”
Being good stewards of the resources God affords us!
We understand how important it is to have wise and biblical direction as stewards of God’s provision and want to afford our members with what they need to plan appropriately. This service is provided free of charge to our members, and there is absolutely no sales of any kind involved with this service.
Our TTB counselors work for St. Paul.
They do not work for insurance or financial planning organizations, nor do they financially benefit in any way from their work with your family. TTB is a benefit of membership here at St Paul… without cost of any kind. Utilizing the experience, wisdom and resources of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Foundation, which has assisted families of the Lutheran Church for over 60 years, TTB seeks to bless you and your family.
So why should you take advantage of this TTB service?
Because you have everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Additionally, many of our leaders at St. Paul have already benefited from this ministry and can tell you the benefits they have experienced as a result.
Continuing our legacy of faithfulness and thankfulness to our Lord.
Out of love for what Christ has done, many consider including a gift to their congregation in their will or
trust. It’s a legacy gift that continues the work of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School even after your
death. Clearly this is a way to witness your faith to those who come after you, while impacting the lives
of others with the love of Jesus.
Please contact John McDonough at the church office:
P: (561-395-0433)
Take advantage of this opportunity to plan ahead to transfer your blessings in a God-pleasing way!
Reach On Out
By Phone: (561) 395-0433
By Email: [email protected]
Any Questions?
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